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Product List


Assay Real Time PCR

Rxns 24/48/96 Tests

Transportation -25 to -15℃

Regulatory status RUO

Rotavirus (A/B/C) RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Norovirus (GI/GII) RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Sapovirus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Astrovirus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Enteric Adenovirus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
E. coli Panel (5) RT-PCR Assay 2.0
S. Typhi/S. Paratyphi RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Salmonella/Shigella RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Shigella RT-PCR Assay 2.0
salmonella RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Listeria monocytogenes RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Listeria spp RT-PCR Assay 2.0
E. coli O157: H7 RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Enterobacter sakazakii RT-PCR Assay 2.0
V. Cholerae RT-PCR Assay 2.0
V. parahaemolyticus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Burkholderia Gladiolus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Staphylococcus Aureus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Bacillus Cereus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Clostridium Perfringens RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Yersinia Enterocolitica RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Campylobacter RT-PCR Assay 2.0
C. Botulinum RT-PCR Assay 2.0
C. Difficile RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Burkholderia spp RT-PCR Assay 2.0
Enterovirus RT-PCR Assay 2.0
CA16/EV71 RT-PCR Assay 2.0
CA6/CA10 RT-PCR Assay 2.0
CA24/EV70 RT-PCR Assay 2.0